On Conversations: #AAMBC #author Chrissy “Bee” Compton

Please join me in welcoming author Chrissy “Bee” Compton to Conversations today! Chrissy is here to talk about her new book, BLACK PETALS...My Life on Paper! So be sure and check out the cover, blurb and excerpt below! And don't forget to check out her interview too and get to know Chrissy “Bee” Compton.

Lisa ~


BLACK PETALS...My Life on Paper

Black Petals ...My Life On Paper will bring you a splendor of truth, thoughts, dreams, forbidden tales of hurt, and encouraging moments to give fresh air of hope.

It will build up someone's lives as they journey down alongside each and every page which will tell a little bit about her once being a broken petal, who seemingly to be in the "darkness" of life forever but not realizing through the tail spins and whirlwinds she was always a "Rose" who was designed with a divine, wonderful purpose here in life just like whomever is reading this...Enjoy the journey....

Excerpt from BLACK PETALS...My Life on Paper

“There are no GREATER agony than bearing an untold story inside of you”
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Maya Angelou

I love writing and I consider myself as an creative wordsmith whether if it is for a book project, blog article, content I can put “WORDS” together in a instant for anyone, anything and at any place literally…When I develop ideas and themes I keep it original, professional, personal if need be and common. My first goal while writing  is to satisfy and make it as simple as possible for my audience to embrace, enjoy and want more……

Interview with Chrissy "Bee" Compton

How did I come up with the title for my poetry book? 

At first, I started writing the book as my personal journal which was in the year of 2007. I did not have a title for it back then I was just writing short diaries and poems to myself while I was going through some very emotional obstacles, unhealthy relationships and challenging choices where I would write back then and even unto today… for therapy!

Why did I choose to write the book in Poetry form instead of an Autobiography?

Any who, when I decided to turn this journal into a book .about my life but yet be discreet..and not wanting an average autobiography either..I prayed about it and came up with creating it in rare poetry form and because I was and so many others have or are experiencing emotional and physical heartaches and abuse …that is how I came up with the title…Delicate but in a Dark Place… but only for a little while….”Black Petals…My Life On Paper.

How long have I been writing books?

Well,,,,I have been writing short stories, poetry, quotes and creating content ever since I was the age 17, especially after my mom passed away at the age of 37 with breast cancer and by me being the eldest child I had a large responsibility besides attending high school I also had to take care of my siblings so, therefore, I did not have much of an outlet but writing…However, I always had two dreams while growing up and even in my early adulthood which were to become in my life and was an #Author and a #Nurse and I am currently doing both NOW! Actually, this is my very first book which I self- published myself.

Who are my inspirations?

My two sons/two grandchildren, My two grandmothers (deceased) and my mommy (deceased). My reason being is because they ALL either had planted some sort of seed of strength mechanism by experiencing the struggle of life but yet still continued to press forward into their lives in order to make adjustments for me and others in my family to believe that we can do anything that we put our mindset to do and just leap by faith and do it even if you fall.!…There is no such thing as a failure in my vocabulary because I heard it all my earlier days of my life and I became toxic and damaged by it until I decided to remind myself that I am able to get back up after every fall until I get it right …and walk right into it…my divine destiny as an exceptional writer!

What am I currently working on?

I am completing my second book which is a two part series #Urban fiction which I am so very excited about.I have not made mention of it actually until I meet with the publishing house for processing and then I will  briefly announce it on my social media pages and so forth and here, on AAMBC of course! My deadline for Part One will be late July 2017 early portion of August. I am also working on my blog articles of course, where I am the CEO of Queen Pen Guru Ink where I am developing an online courses for content writing, Mindset prep before launching out into the Author industry…and much more! I have a very vivid, creative imagination…..for this….I just love ii I even would like to write for scripts for movies and staged plays.

If I could write and work as a team who would it be?

Now, this is a difficult question which I came up for myself…actually because I have a lot of choices because there are so many influential authors, writers, mentors etc. that I have encountered ever since I have published my book, marketing my own product and creating my own content to get myself exposed to the writing world….So, my answer would be whomever that  fits within the plan of my divine journey and has my goals, ideas and growth at their genuine best interest and ONE MORE THING..I would love to do some writing for someone or with someone in to Atlanta, Georgia. I use to reside there years ago and I just could see myself NOW ..Anything is possible.. YES! 
What would be a word of encouragement from Chrissy “Bee”?

To “Never Settle” Until YOU Have completed, accomplished and SUCCEEDED!

#Author #Personalized Writer ( e.g.branding, entertainment industry, company/business proposals) Member of the Goodreads/Oprah Book club
#Motivational Speaker #Self-Publisher #CEO of Queen Pen Guru Inc.Mother and grandmother,Spiritual leader, Nurse.My Mission  is.....to plant and sow seed of Great Character...Confidence...Compassion and Caring...
My Vision is to activate "Success"....

Find the author:
Instagram: #Chrissyqueenpenguru
Facebook: #ChrissyBee
LinkedIn: #ChrissyQPG
Email the author: chrissyc1966@gmail.com
Queen Pen Guru: mail@chrissyqpguruink.com


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