For those of you who have Labor Day weekend off, I hope you have a blast! This is a working weekend for me all around. Sent off one child to college today. I'm excited for this new chapter in her life and sad that she won't be home to give me hugs as I walk through the kitchen on the way to the coffee pot. I'm also excited that there was a whole crew of people to help us move in. It made things a lot easier.
I'll spend the rest of the weekend carting kids around and working on a new proposal for Steeple Hill. This one is a follow up to my March 2011 book, In a Doctor's Arms. I'll let you know how that goes.
In the meantime, I'm counting down the days until Fresh-Start Family is released. If you're on the Steeple Hill bookclub then you've probably already received your stash of books, although as I understand it, not all bookclub members are going to receive Fresh-Start Family. Never fear though. You can always order it online at or get it in the stores when it hits the shelves on October 1st.
I'll have more info on my proposal later next week. In the meantime, enjoy your LD parties. Many blessings, Lisa