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Ronnie Whelms has taken a great pride in the fact that his education in Child Psychology has allotted him the luxury of giving back to his community. His current case, sixteen year old David Jones has the not so rare situation of being raised by his mother and step-father. While David can appreciate the fullness of family with them, he can’t help but desire the closure he needs from a relationship with his biological father. Knowing that David’s biological father has no more interest in him other than the final child support check, Ronnie has every intention of championing the mending of their relationship by getting them back to what a biological father and son is truly supposed to be. There’s only one problem…..Ronnie has his own new found abandonment. While on her death bed, his mother lets him know that the man he has called father all of his life is not his real father. With his world now up-side down, he finds himself outside of his textbook resolve to dysfunctional families. It will take the navigation of David’s case in conjunction with a deep, dark family secret held by a long distance relative in order for Ronnie to truly come to grips with his abandonment issues.
Interview with Patrick Burton
How did you get started in the writing field?
While at ECPI Tech I had a ten page paper due with only a couple of hours in which to turn it in. I finished it within 45 minutes, turned it in and thought to myself, “I will be lucky if I get a 50% on this paper.” Not only did I get 100%, my instructor told me that this was one of the best papers that he had read of the ones turned in. I couldn’t help but laugh as I confessed to him that I rushed putting the paper together. It was then that he told me that he thought that I had a real talent for writing and that I should consider doing it professionally. I was going through a separation at the time so I had already written some of my emotions down. The process had already begun but it was my instructor who made me take it seriously.
How did you come up with the storyline for Father Figure: Healing Child Abandonment?
Father Figure Healing Child Abandonment is the result of watching my step-children coming in and out of the home with the many disappointments of broken promises from their biological father’s. For a small portion of my life as a child, I also experienced these disappointments. As I have conversations with men in my age group or younger, there is a common trend of fathers not being present in the home. I wanted to create a platform in order to allow men who would normally be introverted on the subject, to have a way to open up dialog.
Where does your creativity comes from?
I view everything that I encounter in life as having the potential to be some type of story. I find myself always saying, “That would make a good book.” I am always interested in the process of translating emotions like happiness, hurt, anger and tears rolling down someone’s face into the written form. It’s very unique form of transformation of energy. Life in itself is a huge book waiting to be written.
What are your writing techniques like?
My first two books are narratives as will be my third book. They all consist of backstory and flashback techniques. My mindset around my fourth book is to write it in first person. Each book, in my opinion deserves its own consideration for either a single technique or a combination of multiple techniques.
How many books have you written so far and when can we expect your next book to be published?
I have written two books, Mrs. Limbsy? and Father Figure: healing Child Abandonment. I am currently working on my third book, titled Why We Sleep with Married Men. This should be out in 2017.
How important do you think authors supporting other authors is?
I feel that author support is very important. A good network of likeminded people can only enhance the potential of the individual author. Some things are necessary to go through by yourself for single evolution but you can’t supplement the value of a good support system.
Who is your favorite author (s) and why?
Herbert Harris (Twelve Universal Laws of Success) I had the pleasure of meeting him while at the Maserati Dealership in Raleigh, NC and in addition to his very inspirational, well written book he was very liberal with information and reaching back to give me a wealth of his life experiences that he knew I would embark upon as a young author. His life is worth writing and he has contributed to the reasons that I write.
What advice would you give to aspiring authors wanting to write a book?
My advice to anyone who wants to write is to write exactly what’s in their heart. Don’t be deterred by people who do not understand the gift that God has placed inside of you. Invest in yourself, because if you don’t believe in yourself, nobody else will. Align yourself with people who share your goals so you can learn from each other. Study your craft so you can contribute and inspire people who will read your art. Have fun when you are writing and enjoy the process of creating and this way you will never regret the finished product.
What do you enjoy doing on your spare time when you aren’t writing?
In my spare time I like to work out in the gym and spend time with my family.

Find the author:
Instagram: @burtonauthor
Twitter: @pburtonauthor