On Conversations: New Title...New Cover...Tempting Fate by Lisa Mondello

I've had such wonderful feedback from my readers on my Fate with a Helping Hand series.  I know readers love series and they also like the value of getting a book in a Box Set.  So in January, I took my popular Fate with a Helping Hand series and released it as a Box Set for readers.  

Since then some readers have told me that the cover didn't really reflect the actual series.  While there isn't a wedding in all the books, there is a wedding in 2 of the 3 and there will be a wedding in an upcoming addition to Fate with a Helping Hand series that will be released in 2013.

Having listened to my readers, I decided to change the cover of the Fate with a Helping Hand Box Set anthology AND give it a new title.  Check out Tempting Fate below...

Who doesn't love a wedding?  I love them.  Let me know what you think of the cover.  Tempting Fate includes all three of the Fate with a Helping Hand series, including All I Want for Christmas is You, The Marriage Contract and The Knight and Maggie's Baby.  Check it out at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Amazon: http://amzn.com/B006YSZX8Q
Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/tempting-fate-lisa-mondello/1112894765?ean=2940013694538

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